70+ Wonderful Uses of White Vinegar
White vinegar is not just for culinary use anymore. This multi-tasker is a powerful all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, and beauty aid. And the best vinegar for cleaning is distilled white vinegar. I’ve documented an enormous amount of white vinegar uses, and I’m not sure I found them all. I have tested these to makwie sure they work, so I know they will work for you.
Since I began writing these articles, people have been asking me questions about the benefits of vinegar and how to use vinegar to clean. They want to know how to clean floors with vinegar, how to clean walls with vinegar, and is vinegar a disinfectant?
One of the most popular uses for any vinegar is to make salad dressing. Moreover, for some of you, that is the extent of your use of this great ingredient. In this article, I am going to show you many more uses for white distilled vinegar. We don’t need the expensive fancy vinegar for these tips, save those for the salad dressing and use the plain white distilled vinegar here.
Well, I am here to answer these questions and others. I keep two spray bottles of white distilled vinegar in my cabinet. The first is full-strength vinegar, and the other is 50 percent white vinegar and 50 percent water. These two spray bottles take care of most of my cleaning needs.In my opinion, distilled white vinegar is by far the best home remedy for cleaning. We are going to show you to clean all things with it. It cuts grease, disinfects the surface, and deodorizes without leaving any harmful chemical residues. Here are my top tips for using white vinegar:
Uses of White Vinegar for Cooking and Food Preparation
Make the Most of Condiments
When you get down to the end of the jar of mayonnaise, mustard, catsup, or salad dressing clinging to the jar, add a few drops of white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or wine vinegar and shake. The remaining condiments are slightly diluted and able to be poured out.
Make a Fruit and Vegetable Wash
Mix up a vinegar solution to use for washing fresh fruits and vegetables.
The vinegar dissolves wax that may be coating the surface and removes pesticide residues. Rinse the vegetables and fruits thoroughly with warm water.
Keep Your Cheese Fresh Longer
Soak a clean cloth in vinegar and use it to wrap your cheese. The vinegar-soaked cloth keeps the cheese from drying out and prevents mold from growing on the surface. Once wrapped, place the cheese in an airtight container and refrigerate..
Health Benefits of White Vinegar
Use Vinegar for a Sore Throat
For a sore throat caused by coughs and colds, gargle with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of salt added. Use as often as needed until your sore throat is gone.
Whiten your Teeth
Once a week, give your teeth a brush with a toothbrush dipped in distilled white vinegar. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing. Brushing with vinegar will keep your teeth white and destroy the bacteria that cause bad breath.
Eliminate Dandruff
White vinegar is a quick and effective home remedy for a dry, flaky scalp.
Once a week, pour a cup of white vinegar over your scalp and wait 15 minutes.
Rinse it out with cool water. Your hair will shine again and don’t forget to clean your hair brusheswith vinegar (of course) while you at it.
Fight To Foot and Toenail Fungus
The disinfecting ability of white vinegar can be used in a foot bath. Soak your feet in a water diluted solution of vinegar for a couple of minutes, and it will help fight foot fungus and toenail fungus.
Get Your Feet Ready for Summer
Are your feet in need of repair before you don those summer sandals? Soften them up by soaking them in one part vinegar and two parts warm water.
The vinegar softens up the skin and removes dead skin. Follow up with a good buffing.
Rinse Your Hair
Rinse your hair with a tablespoon of vinegar added to your rinse water once a month to remove build up of hair products. Your hair will be cleaner and brighter.
Clean Your Loofah
Soak your loofah in vinegar and water overnight to remove soap residue and disinfect it. Rinse it thoroughly and hang it to dry